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Because to age with strength, you need trustworthy information and ideas…and a high-quality bullshit detector. That’s where I — an endlessly curious, naturally skeptical, slightly confrontational but eminently fair investigative reporter — add value. I’ll develop sources, read the studies, peruse the small print, interview the experts and plunge into the minutiae of all the available information, analyses, advice, reviews, hacks and discussions on each one of the 6 critical facets of aging with strength: physical, mental, emotional, nutritional, spiritual and community.

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Subscribe to AGING with STRENGTH

A no-bullshit look into the most effective ways to age with physical, emotional, mental, nutritional and spiritual strength, from a former New York Times journalist.


Paul is a Pulitzer-nominated former New York Times journalist, and a father, writer, sport shooter, longboarder, explorer and the founder of Aging with Strength.